Friday, October 12, 2007

Christian Years = Dog Years

For disclosure purposes, I am a Christian. Seriously. But I thought this was pretty good. Yes, the irony is delicious that I profess my religious beliefs in connection with an article about sports gambling. I am who I am.

From the Sports Guy:

My friend Ace had a really good theory about Kurt Warner's apparent resurgence: Yeah, he's 36 years old ... but those are Christian years. Warner never accumulated any of that smoking-drinking-partying wear-and-tear, so he's 36 on paper but maybe 27 or 28 physically. (As opposed to John Daly, who's 41 on paper but 235 years old physically.) It's like how boxers who spend extended stretches in jail are always described as a "young 35." So maybe Warner's comeback isn't as improbable as it seems.

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